Page 49 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 49
challenges. However, accepting The soul of the Constitution lies in
these challenges and addressing its Preamble. It declares India to
the gaps and failings of its times be a “Sovereign, Socialist, Secular,
is what sets India apart from the Democratic Republic.” The
rest of the world. Throughout Preamble promotes fraternity,
history, despite various socio- dignity of the individual and unity
political and developmental and integrity of the nation. The
challenges, the country has opening and last sentences of
continued to evolve to become the Preamble: “We, the people...
a symbol of progress and stand adopt, enact and give to ourselves
firmly on the unshakable pillar this Constitution” signifies that
of the Indian Constitution and its the power is ultimately vested in
democratic ethos. the hands of the people.
India threw off the yoke of Our Constitution ensures for the
colonial rule on 15 August, 1947 citizens of India the fundamental
after a long, steady, and peaceful rights and duties which are the
freedom movement. The task at bedrock of Indian democracy.
Rights and duties are two
hand then was to ensure swift
sides of the same coin. While
transition into a democratic
providing the fundamental rights,
Government, ensuring all-round
development of the country. For our Constitution also enjoins
this, our forefathers laid down upon citizens certain duties
that safeguard others’ rights.
the foundation of Indian polity by
Thus, the Constitution of India is
framing the Constitution of India
both — the fountainhead of our
in a period of less than three years,
democratic system
which translated the nationalist
of governance
and democratic aspirations of
and the guiding
an independent polity, following