Page 20 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 20
21 November, 1963 — India
Today, when our India is
launches its first sounding
touching the sky of success in so rocket from Thumba near
many fields, how can the skies, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. This
or space, remain untouched by humble beginning from a village
it! In the past few years, many church ground was more than
big feats related to the space an initiative to probe the upper
sector have been accomplished atmosphere; it marked the launch
in our country. One of these of the Indian Space Programme.
has been the creation of The Indian Space Programme,
IN-SPACe. born in St. Mary Magdalene
Church, has come a long way since
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi
then. And the agency which has
(in his 'Mann ki Baat' address)
made all this possible is the Indian
Space Research Organisation
(ISRO), the backbone of the Indian
Space Programme.
From the launch of the first
sounding rocket to the Mars Orbiter
Mission (MOM) successfully
entering the planet's orbit 51
years later in 2014, India’s space
journey has witnessed the grit
and determination of thousands
“Today’s (26 June) episode
of scientists and technicians who
of 'Mann ki Baat’ by the
believed in Dr. Vikram Sarabhai’s
Hon’ble PM will go down as vision that “we must be second
one unforgettable episode for to none in the application of
everyone at Agnikul Cosmos. advanced technologies to the real
We are humbled to have this problems of man and society.”
recognition and feel lucky to Following Dr. Sarabhai’s vision, the
be working in this sector when Government of India constituted
such historic reforms are the Space Commission and
happening.” established the Department of
Space (DOS) in June 1972 with
– Srinath Ravichandran
the primary responsibility of
CEO and co-founder, Agnikul promoting the development of
Cosmos space science, technology, and
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