Page 25 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 25
As per the international launch vehicle
agreement, the Government mechanism,
is responsible for all the space handling space
activities being carried out by debris, etc.
Government or private entities
of a particular nation. Therefore, This is a good
to regulate and authorize space sign. Also, it
activities by private entities, a is heartening to note that the
national level single window tasks taken by private industries/
system called IN-SPACe (Indian start-ups cover the entire gamut
National Space Promotion of space activities. The pace
and Authorization Centre) is
of innovative technological
created with its Headquarters at
development by start-ups/
industries is really exciting and
Another challenge in the space gives enormous confidence.
activities is the requirement
of very high cost, huge Two such technologies
infrastructure. In this aspect also, developed by two start-ups
the Government had a way out, were demonstrated recently
permitting private industries to in the PSLV-C53 launch which
utilize the Government-owned happened on 30 June 2022.
infrastructure built by ISRO as
well as technologies. Also, to The innovative development of
enable private industries to do high-end space technologies
the activities without any hurdle, are taken up on fast track. With
very easy space policy is drafted this rate, I am sure, very soon,
and soon it will be approved young team, especially start-
by the Government. These are ups will have private launch
the excellent steps taken by the
vehicle, which will launch private
Government to ensure the private satellites and provide space-
industries are doing the high risk,
based services globally.
complex space business very
easily and efficiently. Therefore, the space sector
Based on the directions given reform, in the very near future,
by the Prime Minister as well not only will provide high-end,
as initiatives taken by IN- accurate space-based services
SPACe, start-ups and private at low cost to the nation, but the
industries started the space services by private industries will
activities enthusiastically. also capture the global space
From announcement by the
markets, thereby bringing huge
Government of India in June
part of space economy to India.
2021, till date, more than 100
industries/start-ups, have started Because of huge space activities
operating. These start-ups are being spread across India due
working on design development to space sector reform, the job
and realization of small satellite opportunities are also expected
launch vehicles, spacecrafts/ to increase exponentially.
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