Page 42 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 42

Poorna Malavath : The Youngest Girl

           to Climb Mt. Everest at the age of 13

            So far I have
        climbed all 7 highest
        mountains in the
        world and some
        Indian mountains.
        I    started   my
        journey from school
        when I was in 9th
        grade. It was very
        challenging   and
        scary for me at that
        age, but  slowly I
        became  confident
        through my training,
        through my course
        to the advanced level, through
                                           for  a purpose. The purpose  is to
        a winter expedition that I did,
                                           inspire  my  new  project, called
        and eventually got selected to
                                           SHAKTI, led by 2 women aiming
        climb Mount Everest.  One will be
        amazed to know that I started my   to raise funds for underprivileged
        journey when I was thirteen years   girls  for their  education. The
        and four months, and I climbed     objective of this project is “we
        Mount Everest when I was thirteen   climb, so they could climb”.
        years and eleven months. When I
                                           After my Everest achievement, I was
        got selected for this opportunity, I
        was determined and committed       fortunate to meet our Prime Minister
        to showing the world that girls can   Narendra Modi. It was an honour for
        do anything.                       me to be appreciated by him and
        When I got to know about the       receive an excellency certificate
        Seven Summits, I decided that      from him.  He also mentioned my
        this would be my way of showing    achievements of climbing the
        the strength, and perseverance     Seven Summits in his recent 'Mann
        of a woman and I decided to just   ki Baat' address and I feel extremely
        go for it.
                                           happy and motivated by all his
        So far, I did it for my passion, now I   appreciation, will continue to make
        want to continue mountaineering    India proud.

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