Page 40 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 40
sport; It is the sea change that during which he mentioned the
they see in the sports ecosystem achievements of Olympic Gold
in the country which gives them Medalist Neeraj Chopra at the
hope that there is a future as Diamond League, he also talked
a sportsperson. This has been about the achievements of young
possible only because of the athletes who competed in Khelo
vision, guidance and personal India Youth Games (KIYG) 2022 in
interest that PM Modi takes Haryana and won medals.
in ensuring that athletes get
The Prime Minister also mentioned
adequate and effective support
the remarkable story of Adil Altaf
from the Government he heads.
from Jammu & Kashmir who
His one-on-one interactions won the 70-km cycling race at
with them, his mention of KIYG, becoming the first cyclist
achievements of athletes in from the Kashmir valley to do
‘Mann ki Baat’, his phone calls to so. That Adil Altaf achieved this
athletes to cheer them up and success despite his family being
congratulate them after they economically disadvantaged is
have participated in international a story that would surely inspire
events, have not only enthused our young men and women to not
athletes but also inspired them to give up pursuing their dreams
concentrate on their game with because of obstacles.
single-minded determination
The other examples of KIYG
and dedication. They know that
participants cited by the Prime
they don’t have to worry when
Minister were those of L. Dhanush,
their Prime Minister supports
a carpenter's son, who won a
them – they feel confident.
gold medal in weightlifting, and
And this confidence reflects in Kajol Sargar, a fellow weightlifter
their performance, just as it did from Sangli in Maharsahtra,
for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Gold
who helps her father run his
medalist Neeraj Chopra whose
tea stall to make ends meet.
stellar performance at the recent These are inspirational stories of
Diamond League event was today’s youth and how they are
mentioned by the Prime Minister
eager to overcome challenges.
in his 'Mann ki Baat' on 26 June.
Their journey to success being
The hallmark of PM's interest mentioned by the Prime Minister
in sport is that he never on his monthly radio show is not
differentiates among athletes – just an indicator of how intensely
whether grassroots, elite, medal he is interested in encouraging
winner or not and becomes sportspersons but also a unique
their mentor. In the 26 June way in which to motivate them to
2022 episode of 'Mann ki Baat', set higher targets.