Page 60 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 60
Amish Tripathi
Director, Nehru Centre, London
Amish Tripathi is a renowned mean pilgrimage in present times
author known for his books but our ancestors considered it a
the Shiva Trilogy and the Ram point where they would cross over
Chandra Series, which are the to the divine world from the human
fastest and second fastest selling world, and touch the Divine. There
book series in Indian publishing are specific places in the country
history. He shares his views on the which our ancestors believed
importance and values of Indian were special. Such places had
Pilgrimage and how these yatras an energy of their own and when
shape the idea of a multicultural coupled with the energy of the
India. pilgrims over the millennia, they
would help us touch the Divine.
As per Indian mythology or
religious texts, the root of the Our energy adds to the place
making it sacred. Our devotion
word ‘Teerth’ means a ford or the
shallow crossing-over point at and attachment with the place for
which one crosses the river. There over thousands of years adds to
the heritage.
is a philosophical thought behind
the word as well. It has come to The pilgrimages are, by their