Page 65 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 65
Historic journey to Shivadham
in Amarnath cave
Amarnath is
considered to be
one of the major
Hindu Dhams.
Situated in a gorge
at the farther end
of Lidder Valley
in Jammu and
Kashmir, the holy
cave is the abode
of Lord Shiva. The
Lord is enshrined in
the form of an ice-
lingam in this cave,
which is formed
naturally. Our
Doordarshan team
talked to the CEO
the crowd in a better way. We
of Shri Amarnathji Shrine Board,
have also asked all devotees at
Nitishwar Kumar.
the time of registration to follow
The words of the Hon’ble the DOs and DON’Ts of the Yatra
Prime Minister in his ‘Mann ki
since it is a very high altitude trek
Baat’ address regarding spiritual
peaking at 14,000 to 15,000 feet.
tourism boosting the local
We have also made foolproof
economy is true to the word.
arrangements of health centres
The Amarnath Yatra is a historic
at the base camps, on the trek
heritage that is organised with
and at the shrine. These health
the contribution of locals along
centres are capable of handling
with the Amarnathji Shrine board
any emergency.
for a long time. The locals and the
Shrine Board strive to ensure that We are also organising online
the devotees have a better and darshan for devotees with
spiritual experience during the the help of Doordarshan and
Yatra. two other private players. It is
The issuance of RFID cards to accessible, free of cost during
all devotees is a very suitable the morning and evening aartis.
arrangement so that we can keep On behalf of the Amarnath Shrine
track of their safety during the Board, we urge all devotees to
Yatra. It also helps us in managing come and visit the shrine.
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