Page 5 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 5
My dear countrymen, Namaskar
Today, once again through ‘Mann be surprised to know that out
Ki Baat’, I have got an opportunity of our total Unicorns, forty-four
to meet you all; millions of my came up last year. Not only this,
family members. I welcome all of 14 more Unicorns were formed
you to ‘Mann Ki Baat’. A few days anew in the last 3-4 months.
ago, the country has made an This means that even during
achievement, which inspires all the global pandemic, our start-
of us. It instills a new confidence ups have been creating wealth
in India’s potential. You must and value. The average annual
be feeling happy on hearing growth rate of Indian Unicorns
the century of a batsman of is more than those of USA, UK
Team India on the cricket field. and many other countries.
However, India has scored a Analysts say that in the coming
century in another field and it years, there will be a sharp spike
is very special. On the 5 of this in these numbers. The good
month, the number of Unicorns in thing is that our Unicorns are
the country has reached the 100 diversifying. They are operating
mark and you surely know that in many fields like E-commerce,
a unicorn is a start-up worth at Fin-Tech, Ed-Tech, Bio-Tech.
least seven and a half thousand Another thing that I consider
crore rupees. The total valuation more important is that the world
of these Unicorns is more than of start-ups is reflecting the spirit
330 billion dollars, that is, more of New India. Today, India’s start-
than 25 lakh crore rupees. up ecosystem is not limited to
Certainly, this is a matter of pride just big cities; entrepreneurs are
for every Indian. You will also emerging from smaller cities and
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