Page 8 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 8
in Thanjavur. Because of this, the like Thanjavur Doll and Bronze
lives of many poor families have Lamp, these women self-help
been transformed. With the help groups also craft toys, mats and
of such kiosks and stores, women artificial jewellery. Due to such
are now able to sell their products stores, the sales of GI products
directly to the customers. The as well as handicraft products
initiative has been named have seen a significant rise.
‘Tharagaigal Kaivinai Porutkal Through this campaign, not only
Virpanai Angadi’. The special have the artisans got a fillip,
thing is that 22 self-help groups but the women are also getting
are associated with this initiative. empowered by a rise in their
You would also be happy to know income. I also urge the listeners
that these stores of women self- of ‘Mann Ki Baat’… find out which
help groups have opened at very women self-help groups are
prime locations in Thanjavur. working in your area. You should
Women themselves are taking also collect information about
full responsibility of their upkeep their products and use these
as well. Apart from GI products products as much as possible. By
doing this, you will not
only help in increasing
the income of the self-
help groups, but will
also give impetus to
the ‘Self-reliant India
Friends, our country is a
rich treasure-house of
many languages,