Page 14 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 14
Toy clusters that are or the playground,
there everywhere today our youth,
in the country, in every field,
small entrepreneurs are making the
who make toys, country proud.
are getting a lot of This month, PV
benefit from it. The Sindhu has won
toys made by these her first title of
small entrepreneurs Singapore Open.
are now going Neeraj Chopra
around the world. also continued
Toy manufacturers his excellent
from India are also performance and
working closely with won the silver
the world's leading medal for the
global toy brands. country in the
I also liked that World Athletics
our startup sector Championship.
is also paying full At the Ireland
attention to the Para-Badminton
world of toys. They are also doing International as well, our players
a lot of interesting things in this have boosted the glory of the
area. In Bangalore, a startup country by winning 11 medals.
named Shumee Toys is focusing Indian players also performed
on eco-friendly toys. In Gujarat, well in the World Cadet Wrestling
ARKidzoo Company is making Championship held in Rome. Our
AR-based Flash Cards and AR- athlete Suraj has done wonders
based Storybooks. Pune-based in the Greco-Roman event.
company, Funvention is engaged He has won the Gold Medal of
in kindling the interest of children Wrestling in this event after a long
in Science, Technology and gap of 32 years. For the players,
Maths through learning, toys and this entire month has been
activity puzzles. I congratulate all full of action. It is also a great
such manufacturers, startups, honor for India to host the 44 th
doing a great job in the world Chess Olympiad in Chennai. This
of toys. Let us all together make tournament has commenced
Indian toys more popular all over on the 28 of July and I got the
the world. Along with this, I would privilege of attending its Opening
also like to urge the parents to Ceremony. Commonwealth
buy more and more Indian toys, Games also began in the UK on
puzzles and games. the same day. An Indian team,
Friends, be it the classroom full of youthful enthusiasm is
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