Page 12 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 12
and Sirmaur; simultaneously in Garasia tribe in Rajasthan
Uttarakhand. organize 'Siyawa ka Mela' or
Friends, there are many 'Mankhan Ro Mela' on Vaishakh
traditional fairs of tribal Shukla Chaturdashi.
societies in different states The 'Mawli Mela' of Narayanpur
in our country. Some of these of Bastar in Chhattisgarh is
fairs are associated with also very special. Nearby, the
tribal culture, while others are Bhagoria Mela of Madhya
organized in connection with Pradesh is also very famous. It is
tribal history and heritage. For said that the Bhagoria fair started
example, if you get a chance, in the times of Raja Bhoj. Then
you must visit the four-day the Bhil kings, Kasumara and
Sammakka-Saralamma Jatara Balun organized these events for
Fair in Medaram, Telangana. the first time in their respective
This fair is called Mahakumbh capitals. Ever since, these fairs
of Telangana. The Saralamma are being celebrated with equal
Jatara Mela is celebrated in enthusiasm. Similarly, many fairs
honor of two tribal women heores like Tarnetar and Madhopur are
– Sammakka and Saralamma. very famous in Gujarat. Fairs are,
It is a big center of faith for the in themselves, a great source of
Koya tribal community, not energy for our society, our life.
only in Telangana, but also in There must be many such fairs
Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and around you too. In modern times,
Andhra Pradesh. The Maridamma these old links of the society are
fair in Andhra Pradesh is also a big very important to strengthen the
fair connected with spirit of 'Ek Bharat-
the beliefs of the Shreshtha Bharat'.
tribal society. The Our youth must
Maridamma fair join them and
runs from Jyeshtha whenever you
Amavasya to go to such fairs,
Ashadh Amavasya share the pictures
and the tribal on social media
society here too. You can also
associates it with use a specific
Shakti upasana or hashtag if you
worship. Here, in want. Through
Peddapuram, East this, other people
Godavari, there is will also know
also a Maridamma about those fairs.
temple. Similarly, You can also
the people of upload photos