Page 18 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 18
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Friends, the biggest
message that emerges from all Af¬ffý WXe WXû »fmÔ¦fm,
these events being organized in ¹ff ÀfS XWXe IYMXf ýmÔ¦fmÜ
the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, These lines accurately capture
is that all of us countrymen the spirit and determination with
which our freedom fighters fought
should follow our duty with full
valiantly for the independence
devotion. Only then will we be
of India. When one thinks about
able to fulfill the dream of those the period when millions of
countless freedom fighters… people waited for the dawn of
and to build the India of their independence for centuries,
the realization grows as to how
dreams. That is why this Amrit
historic and glorious the occasion
Kaal of our next 25 years is
of 75 years of freedom is.
Kartavya Kaal, a period of duty To mark the magnificent
for every countryman. tradition of India, inspiring history
of the freedom struggle and
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi
75 illustrious years of progress
(in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)
of independent India, Azadi Ka
Amrit Mahotsav was launched by
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on
12 March, 2021 from Sabarmati
“There could not have
Ashram in Ahmedabad. He said,
been a bigger achievement
“Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav means
for us than Prime Minister
elixir of freedom. It means elixir
Modi ji mentioning about
of inspirations from the warriors
‘Azadi Ki Rail Gadi aur Station’ of freedom struggle; elixir of new
in ‘Mann ki Baat’. On behalf ideas and pledges, and the elixir
of the entire railway family, of Atmanirbharta.” It is a festival
I thank the Hon'ble Prime of awakening of the nation— the
Minister for mentioning this beginning of a new dawn by
program and encouraging bringing the people of our country
people to visit such stations together from every corner,
for educational purposes.” every community to remember
the immense centuries-long
-Vinay Kumar Tripathi
struggles that led to our freedom.
Chairman, Railway Board
Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
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