Page 5 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 5
My dear countrymen, Namaskar!
This is the 91 episode of India would be free…. and maybe
‘Mann ki Baat’. Earlier, we have that day would dawn in our lives
talked about so many things, when we would dedicate our
shared our views on myriad lives to the generations to come,
topics, but, this time ‘Mann ki chanting Vande Mataram and
Baat’ is very special. The reason Bharat Maa Ki Jai, spending our
for this is Independence Day this youth for the cause.
time, when India will complete 75 Friends, on the 31 of July
years of her independence. We i.e. today, all of us countrymen
are all going to be witness to a salute the martyrdom of Shaheed
splendid and historic moment. Udham Singh ji. I offer my humble
The Almighty has blessed us with tributes to all such other great
this great fortune. Think about it… revolutionaries who sacrificed
had we been born in the era of their all for the country.
slavery, then how would we have Friends, I am very happy to see
imagined this day? That yearning that the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav
of freedom from slavery, the is taking the form of a mass
desperation for freedom from movement. People from all walks
the shackles of subjugation - of life and from every section of
how formidable it must have the society are participating in
been! Those days, when, every different programs connected
single day, we would be seeing with it. One such event took place
millions of countrymen fighting, in Meghalaya earlier this month.
battling, making sacrifices
for the sake of freedom.
Then we would wake
up every morning
with this dream
of when my
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