Page 8 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
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something for the country. I also years is Kartavya Kaal, a period
have a suggestion that from the of duty for every countryman.
2 of August to the 15 of August, To liberate the country, our
all of us can place the tricolor as brave fighters had given us this
our social media profile pictures. responsibility, and we have to
By the way, do you know, 2 fulfill it fully.
of August also has a special
My dear countrymen,
connection with our tricolor.
the fight of our countrymen
This day is the birth anniversary against Corona is still on. The
of Pingali Venkayya ji who whole world is still struggling
designed our national flag. I pay today. The increasing interest
my respectful homage to him. of people in Holistic Healthcare
Talking about our national flag, has helped everyone a lot in this.
I will also remember the great We all know how useful Indian
revolutionary Madam Cama. Her traditional methods are in this.
role in shaping the Tricolor has In the fight against Corona,
been very important. AYUSH has played an important
Friends, the biggest role, at the global level. There is
message that emerges from all a growing interest in Ayurveda
these events being organized in and Indian medicine around the
the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav is world. This is one of the major
that all of us countrymen should reasons why Ayush Exports have
follow our duty with full devotion. witnessed a record growth and it
Only then will we be able to fulfill is also a matter of joy that many
the dream of those countless new startups are also emerging
freedom fighters… and to build in this sector. Recently, a Global
the India of their dreams. That is Ayush Investment and Innovation
why this Amrit Kaal of our next 25 Summit was held. You will be
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