Page 7 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 7
The brave revolutionaries had should also take out time to visit
displayed their might to the one such historical station in
British by looting the treasury of your vicinity. You will get to know
the British being carried by train. in detail about pages from the
Whenever you talk to the people history of the freedom movement
of Tamil Nadu, you will get to that you have not been aware of.
know about Vanchi Maniyachchi I urge the students of the nearby
Junction in Thoothukudi district. school, and the teachers to take
This station is named after Tamil the small children of their school
freedom fighter Vanchinathan to the station and narrate the
ji. This is the same place where whole chain of events to those
Vanchi, 25 years of age then, had children, explaining them.
punished one British collector for
My dear countrymen,
his actions.
under the Azadi Ka Amrit
Friends, this list is pretty
Mahotsav, from the 13 to the 15 th
long. 75 such railway stations
of August, a special movement
have been identified, spread
– 'Har Ghar Tiranga' is being
over 24 states across the
organized. By becoming a part
country. These 75 stations are
of this movement, from 13 to
being decorated very ornately.
15 August, you must hoist the
Many types of programs are also
tricolor at your home, or adorn
being organized in these. You
your home with it. The Tricolor
connects us, inspires us to do
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