Page 14 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 14
Water conservation
is actually life
You must have
seen, nowadays,
how many 'river
festivals' are being
held! Whatever
water sources are
there in your cities,
you must organize
some event or the
to see its condition. At that very other there.
moment, these youths resolved
My dear countrymen, our
to change the picture and
Upanishads mention about
destiny of Sultan Ki Baoli. They
a life mantra – ‘Charaiveti-
named this mission of theirs –
'Sultan se Sur Tan'. You must be
must have heard this mantra
wondering, what is this Sur Tan!
too. It means – keep going, keep
In fact, with their efforts, these
going. This mantra is so popular
youths have not only rejuvenated
in our country because it is part
the stepwell, but have also linked
of our nature to keep moving, to
it to the notes and melody of the
be dynamic. As a nation, we have
music. After cleaning the Sultan's
come this far through a journey
stepwell, after decorating it,
of development spanning
now program of harmony and
thousands of years. As a society,
music is also held there. There
we have always moved ahead
is so much talk of this change, by accepting new ideas, new
that many people from abroad changes. Our cultural mobility
have started coming to see it. and travels have contributed a
The most important thing about lot in this. That is why our sages
this successful effort is that the and saints had entrusted us
youth who started the campaign with spiritual responsibilities like
are chartered accountants. pilgrimage. All of us go on varied
Coincidentally, a few days pilgrimages. You must have seen
from now, 1 July is observed that this time a large number of
as Chartered Accountants devotees participated in the Char
day. I congratulate all the CAs Dham Yatra. In our country, from
of the country in advance. We time to time, different Dev-yatras
can create a similar sense of also take place. Dev-yatras… that
awareness about our water is, in which not only the devotees
bodies by connecting them with but also our Gods go on a journey.
music and other social programs. In just a few days from now, on
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