Page 13 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 13
people come to see the beaches children as well as the elderly in
and marine beauty there. But the this group. If our environment is
pollution caused by plastic was clean, our mountains and rivers,
also increasing on the sea coast our seas remain clean; our health
of Puducherry, therefore, to save also gets better. You must keep
its sea, beaches and ecology, writing to me about such efforts.
people here have started the
My dear countrymen, monsoon
'Recycling for Life' campaign.
is continuously progressing in
Today, thousands of kilograms
our country. Rain is increasing
of garbage is collected and
in many states. This is also the
segregated every day in Karaikal,
time to make special efforts in
Puducherry. The organic waste
the direction of 'water' and 'water
from that is made into compost;
conservation'. In our country,
the rest of the matter is separated
for centuries, this responsibility
and recycled. Such efforts are
has been taken by the society
not only inspiring, but also lend
together. You will remember, in
momentum to India's campaign
'Mann ki Baat', we once discussed
against single-use plastic.
the legacy of stepwells. The
Friends, at this time when I am Baolis are those big wells which
talking to you, a unique cycling are reached by descending
rally is also going on in Himachal stairs. In Udaipur, Rajasthan,
Pradesh. I want to tell you about there is one such stepwell which
this too. A group of cyclists is hundreds of years old – 'Sultan
have started from Shimla to Ki Baoli'. It was built by Rao
Mandi, carrying the message Sultan Singh, but due to neglect,
of cleanliness. These people gradually this place has become
will complete this distance of deserted and has turned into a
about one hundred and seventy pile of garbage. One day, some
five kilometers on mountain youths roaming around reached
roads, only by cycling. There are this stepwell and were very sad
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