Page 9 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 9
about her work in simple Gujarati. is the hallmark of today's youth.
Like Tanvi, about seven hundred From start-ups to the sports
and fifty school students in the world, the youth of India are
country are working on 75 such making new records. In the
satellites in the Amrit Mahotsav, recently held Khelo India Youth
and it is also a matter of joy that Games too, our players set many
most of these students are from records. You would love to know
small towns of the country. that a total of 12 records have
been broken in these games,
Friends, these are the same
not only that, 11 records have
youth, in whose mind the image
been registered in the names
of the space sector was like
of female players. M. Martina
a secret mission a few years
Devi of Manipur has made eight
ago, but the country undertook
records in weightlifting.
space reforms, and the same
youth are now launching their Similarly, Sanjana, Sonakshi and
own satellites. When the youth Bhavna have also made different
of the country is ready to touch records. With their hard work,
the sky, how can our country be these players have proven how
left behind? much India's prestige is going
to rise in international sports
My dear countrymen, in 'Mann
arena in the coming times. I also
ki Baat', let's now talk about a
congratulate all these players
topic that will delight your mind
and wish them all the best for the
and inspire you as well. Recently,
our Olympic gold medalist
Neeraj Chopra was again in Friends, there has
the headlines. Even after the been another special
Olympics, he is setting new feature of Khelo India
records of success, one after Youth Games. This
the other. Neeraj won the time too, many such
silver at Paavo Nurmi Games talents have emerged
in Finland. Not only that, he who are from
also broke the record of his very ordinary
own javelin throw. Neeraj families. These
once again made the
country proud by
winning the gold in
Kuortane Games.
He won this gold in
conditions when
the weather
was also
This zest
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