Page 31 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 31
Dhruva Space is working on the lines of
‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat’ initiative
Started in 2012,
Dhruva Space is
today leading the
private industry-led
space revolution
in the country. Our
Doordarshan team
talked to the co-
founders of the
“During ‘Mann ki
Baat’, the Prime
Minister spoke
about Dhruva Space
launching its first
mission to space. It
gives a great sense Team Dhruva Space with ISRO and IN-SPACe officials
of encouragement
for young entrepreneurs like us Abhay Egoor, the CTO and
who are building cutting-edge co-founder, said, “It gives me
technology in the country. When immense pleasure that Dhruva
we started the company, we were Space has found its mention
a very small company trying to in the Prime Minister’s ‘Mann ki
build technologies for the global Baat’ programme. We built a
market. It’s been a long journey DSOD, which is a satellite orbital
of 10 years navigating through deployer that will be integrated
onto the fourth stage of a rocket
various hurdles,” Sanjay Nekkanti,
and enable the rocket to launch
CEO and co-founder of Dhruva
multiple cubesats in a single go.
Space said.
What we have done in Dhruva
Nekkanti believes that the new Space is that we have completely
programmes, especially the indigenously built a system that
Start-up India initiative and IN- (has been) integrated on the
SPACe that has come into place PSLV-C53 (launched on 30 June,
for facilitating private space 2022). With the support from all
activities in the country, act as the entities involved, right from
a catalyst for the entire private ISRO, IN-SPACe for the regulatory
sector. “In the coming few years, approval and the numerous
we will see a lot more private MSMEs that have been the part
companies launching several of the Indian Space Programme,
satellites into space. This is just we are very thrilled and excited
the beginning and there are for this new step and milestone in
many more to come.” our journey.”