Page 32 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 32
Vision is to make space
accessible to all: Agnikul
Agnikul Cosmos are on a mission promise by standing next to the
to make the Earth-to-space (Agnikul) rocket along with us,
journey as simple, quick, and that was a surreal moment for all
affordable as possible. Our of us.”
Doordarshan team talked to the
Srinath Ravichandran, CEO and
co-founders of the start-up
co-founder of Agnikul, said,
Professor Satya Chakravarthy,
"Before I started Agnikul, I used to
Sayed Moin, and Srinath
be in the US. When I came back
and started working on Agniklul, a
Sayed Moin, also the COO of lot of people asked me several
Agnikul, is ecstatic to find his questions. Now when the Prime
start-up’s mention in ‘Mann ki Minister himself has talked about
Baat’. “When we started in 2017, our start-up as one of the players
we never expected that we would to watch out for in the space
get to be a part of the Prime sector, I feel finally all that risk is
Minister’s address. Our vision to paying off. By getting attention at
make space accessible and (national) level, now it is easier to
affordable for everybody is right go and talk to investors and
now aligning with the Prime customers because everyone is
Minister’s vision." taking us seriously now.“
Agnikul was also present at the Satya Chakravarthy, the co-
inauguration of the IN-SPACe founder and adviser at Agnikul,
headquarters on 10 June, 2022 in said, "The cooperation we have
Bopal, Gujarat. Moin fondly been getting from ISRO, through
recounts his interaction with the IN-SPACe, has been tremendous.
Prime Minister at the event. “I had As a national project, we
personally called the Prime essentially want to develop on-
minister for a full-scale mock-up demand launches for Indian
model we had there. And when he applications and Indian
actually came and fulfilled his customers, including the Armed
Forces, as well as develop this
technology in
India for the rest
of the world. The
Prime Minister’s
and his support
is a tremendous
boost for our
morale,” he