Page 35 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 35
who became the first Indian
"To be appreciated by our
athlete to win a gold medal in
beloved and respected Hon'ble
the Commonwealth Games;
Known as ‘Little Master’ and Prime Minister of India is always
icon of cricket in India, Sachin special, especially on the day I
Tendulkar considered as a force made my International debut.
to be reckoned with on the field; Thank you so much for your
Mithali Raj, the captain of the kind wishes, Sir."
Indian women’s cricket team,
Mithali Raj
who is also the highest run-
Former Captain,
scorer in women’s international
Indian Women's Cricket Team
cricket; Viswanathan Anand, who
is not only India’s greatest chess wrestling, or other sports, our
player but also considered to be players are giving new wings to
one of the very best in the world;
our expectations and aspirations.
and Mary Kom, a five-time World
As a result, the country is seeing
Amateur Boxing champion and
the sporting fraternity unleash
the most famous Indian female
several domestic talents and
boxer; the list is endless.
younger crops of skillful athletes
The Prime Minister in his at an early age who can be
recent 'Mann ki Baat' address nurtured to represent India on
congratulated such icons who the world stage. The medals won
continue to make headlines are not only the result of their
like the Olympic gold medalist tenacity and penance but also
Neeraj Chopra who is setting a measure of enthusiasm and
new records of success, one after
confidence of the new India.
the other. After winning
the silver at Paavo Nurmi Envisioned by the
Games in Finland, he Hon'ble PM, “For sports
broke his record in javelin to thrive in the country,
throw and made the it is necessary that the
country proud by winning youth should have faith
the gold in Kuortane in sports and should be
Games. Be it badminton, encouraged to take up
tennis, athletics, boxing, sports as a profession.”
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