Page 8 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
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on ideas, which were either not idea. This start-up is making
thought about earlier, or were such flat antennas which will not
considered impossible for the only be small, but their cost will
private sector. For example, also be very low. Demand for this
Chennai and Hyderabad have technology can be all over the
two start-ups – Agnikul and world.
Skyroot! These start-ups are
developing launch vehicles that Friends, in the program of IN-
will take small payloads into SPACe, I also met beti Tanvi Patel,
space. Through this, the cost of a school student of Mehsana.
space launching is estimated She is working on a very small
to come down significantly. satellite, which is going to be
Similarly, Dhruva Space, another launched in space in the next few
start-up of Hyderabad, is months. Tanvi recounted to me
working on High Technology
Solar Panels for Satellite Deployer
and Satellites. I also met Tanveer
Ahmed of Digantara, who is
trying to map waste in space. I
have also given him a challenge
that they should evolve work
technology, which can solve the
problem of waste in space. Both
Digantara and Dhruva Space are
going to make their first launch
from ISRO's launch vehicle on
the 30 of June. Similarly, Neha,
the founder of Astrome, a space
start-up based in Bangalore,
is also working on an amazing
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