Page 16 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 16
what the tradition of
blessing is! Waking
up in the morning,
greeting the elders
of the household,
seeking their blessings
- all these things!
Now, after 30 years,
this animation film is
being re-mastered
in 4K. This project is
likely to be completed
know about the Ramayana for soon. People living thousands of
the first time. ‘The Ramayana’ kilometers away from us in Japan,
touched his heart, after which he who don’t know our language,
started researching deeply on it. who don’t know much about our
Not only that, he read 10 versions traditions, their dedication to
of the Ramayana in Japanese our culture, this reverence, this
language, and he did not stop at respect, is very commendable -
this, he also wanted to showcase which Indian would not be proud
it through animation. In this, Indian of that!
animators also helped him a lot,
My dear countrymen,
he was guided about the Indian
customs and traditions shown in the mantra of serving the society
the film. He was told how people by rising above the self, is a
in India wear the dhoti, how they part of our values, our sanskar.
wear the saree, how they groom Countless people in our country
their hair… how children respect are making this mantra their
each other within the family, life goal. I came to know about
A scene from Japanese animated film Ramayana