Page 17 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 17

Ram Bhupal Reddy ji, a
        friend living in Markapuram,
        Andhra Pradesh. You will
        be surprised to know that
        Ram Bhupal Reddy ji has
        donated all  his earnings
        after retirement for the
        education of daughters. He
        got accounts opened for
        about 100 daughters under
        ‘Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana’,
        and deposited more than 25
        lakhs in it. Another example
        of such service is of Kachora      should  also be  our sadhana….
        village of Agra in U.P. There      which has only one path - duty,
        was a shortage of fresh water      duty and duty.
        in this village for many years.
        Meanwhile, Kunwar Singh, a         My dear countrymen,
        farmer of the village, found water
        in his field 6-7 km away from the   today in ‘Mann Ki Baat’, we
        village. It was a matter of great   discussed  many     important
        joy for him. He thought… why not   topics related to society. All of
        serve all the other villagers too   you send important suggestions
        with this water! But 30-32 lakh    related to different topics to me,
        rupees were needed to transport    and on the basis of them, our
        the water from the farm to the     discussion moves forward. Don’t
        village. After some time, Kunwar   forget  to send  your  suggestions
        Singh’s younger brother Shyam      for  the  next  edition  of  ‘Mann  Ki
        Singh came to the village after    Baat’. At present, the ongoing
        retiring from the army, and he     programmes related to the ‘Azadi
        came to know about it. He handed   Ka Amrit Mahotsav’; the events in
        over all his money received on     which  you  are participating…  do
        retirement for this work and by    let me know about them. I look
        laying a pipeline from the farm    forward to your suggestions on
        to the village; he supplied fresh   NaMo App and MyGov. Next time,
        water to the villagers. If there is   we will meet once again… we will
        dedication, seriousness towards    again talk on similar topics related
        one’s duties, how even a single    to our countrymen. Take care of
        person can change the future of    yourself and also take care of all
        the whole society, this endeavour   the living beings around you. In
        is a big inspiration. Only by      this  summer  season,  you  should
        walking on the path of duty        continue  to  fulfill  your  humane
        can we empower  the society;       responsibility of providing food
        empower  the  country.  In this    and water for the animals and
        ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, this    birds…Do remember this. Thank
        should be our resolution and this   you very much.

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