Page 20 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 20

Meteoric rise of the indian start-Ups
                                           100 Unicorns in India

               On the 5  of this month, the   India has seen a meteoric rise in
        number of unicorns in the coun-    the number of start-ups in the last
        try has reached the figure of 100   decade. The country witnessed
        and you surely know that a uni-    the birth of its 100  unicorn in May
        corn is a startup worth at least   2022. India marked its first unicorn
        seven and a half thousand crore    entry in 2011 and in just 11 years, it
        rupees. The total valuation of     has over 100 unicorns making it
        these unicorns is more than 330    the 3  largest start-up base in the
                                           world after the USA and China. A
        billion dollars, that is, more than
                                           unicorn refers to the start-up which
        25 lakh crore rupees. Certainly,
                                           attains the valuation of more than
        this is a matter of pride for every
                                           USD 1 billion or approximately
                                           seven and a half thousand crore
                                           rupees. The total valuation of the
          – Prime Minister Narendra Modi
                                           100 Indian unicorns is more than
           (in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address)
                                           USD 330 billion, that is, more than
                                           25 lakh crore rupees.
                                           A record 44 unicorns were
                                           established  last  year amidst the
                                           pandemic. 14 more unicorns were
                                           formed anew in just a span of 3-4
                                           months this year. This means that
                                           even in this phase of the global
                                           pandemic, our start-ups have
                                           been creating wealth and value.
          “The rise of 100 unicorns in
          India, that too in such a record   In 2016, the Government saw
          time, speaks of the new spirit of   an  opportunity  to  leverage
          India. My tremendous gratitude   the   demographic     dividend
          to the Hon’ble Prime Minister    of the country with the ‘Start-
                                           Up India’ initiative to build a
          for  strongly  championing  this
                                           strong ecosystem for nurturing
          spirit of entrepreneurship from
                                           innovation and entrepreneurship
          the front. It has led to India’s
                                           in  the  country.  The  Government,
          emergence as the third largest
                                           as part of this initiative, has
          ecosystem for startups in such
                                           implemented  Fund of Funds for
          a short time.
                                           Start-ups Scheme  and  Start-up
                      - Debjani Ghosh      India Seed Fund Scheme  across
                   President, NASSCOM      all States/UTs to provide financial
                                           assistance and boost private
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