Page 71 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 71
Hiroshi Koike’s 'Theatreconnekt' : Kesavan Nambudiri
Indian collaborator of ‘The mechanical precision, working
Mahabharata Project’, on strict schedules, while keeping
Theatreconnekt's main pillar, all rooms open for every artist
Kesavan Nambudiri talked to the involved to contribute, improvise,
Doordarshan team about the think and create himself was
project and Hiroshi Koike. exemplary. His ‘Japanese’ work
culture and ways of working
Koike's play ‘The Mahabharata
certainly reflect in his work and is
Project’ was produced and
interesting to learn.”
performed in different parts
of Asia in 4 chapters. The “ ‘The Mahabharata Project’ was
second chapter of the play was a multicultural production with
screened at the International artists from all parts of India
Theater Festival of Kerala in 2014. including Delhi, Maharashtra,
'Theatreconnekt', a theatre group Kerala, Bengal and from other
based in Ottapalam, Palakkad, South Asian countries like
was the co-producer of this Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam,
chapter. Japan and so on. The sole
Kesavan Nambudiri said that objective of working with Hiroshi
his experience of working on through Theatreconnekt was
Chapter 2 of Koike's play was to build an environment for an
insightful and very informative. inter-cultural exchange for the
“The way he works, the way he Indian artists to be able to work
makes a play is a wonderful with artists of different countries,
thing to watch. The kind of ethnicities and languages.”