Page 69 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 69
PM's Efforts Got Ramayana Recognition Worldwide: Deepika
Our team got in touch with “We have inherited everything
Deepika Chikhaliya, who played through our rich culture but it was
Sita in Ramanand Sagar’s not given enough importance.
series Ramayana, which Now through the Prime Minister's
aired on Doordarshan in 1987. vision, we are able to understand
Deepika ji is delighted at the the importance of rich cultural
Prime Minister’s mention of the heritage and are getting
animated rendition recognized for it
of Ramayana: The globally.”
Legend of Prince Rama
"Ramayana has
being remastered in
been translated
4K in his 'Mann ki Baat'
into different
languages to
“I am glad to see create awareness
that Ramayana is about Indian
getting accolades on traditions and
many international heritage. PM Modi
platforms. It was Hon’ble PM ji has instilled an admirable
Narendra Modi’s decision to mindset among the people
bring Ramayana back on the of India, and has helped us
television screen during the appreciate the beauty of our
COVID pandemic times. He culture and heritage. This step
understands the value and is definitely going to give India
richness of our Indian culture." international recognition."