Page 70 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 70
‘The Mahabharata Project’
Hiroshi Koike’s theatrical interpretation of
the sacred Indian epic
Speaking of cultural exchanges techniques of actors and dancers
and bringing the world closer of six Asian countries including
through art, Hiroshi Koike’s Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia,
masterpiece production of the Cambodia and Japan, to weave
Indian epic- The Mahabharata, a beautiful tapestry while directly
through physical theatre is a true conveying the essence of the
testament of cultural synergy. Mahabharata to the audience.
Back in 2011, Hiroshi Koike, a
Every year, Hiroshi Koike travels to
renowned art director and a
one country in Asia and produces
popular name in contemporary
parts of the Mahabharata with
Japanese theatre, was disturbed
local artists and musicians there.
by the state of his homeland
What sets this theatrical apart
following the Tsunami, Tohoku
from any other rendition of the
earthquake and subsequent
epic, is the stunning display of
nuclear disaster in Fukushima in
diversity. Casting people from all
Japan. It is then that he realized
over the world with each performer
the necessity of building a bridge
speaking their mother tongue,
between people across the world
juxtaposed with an intricate
by blending layers like nationalities
choreography showcasing
and languages that divide them.
various cultural dance forms
Envisioning this, he founded the
like Java dance, Balinese dance,
Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project.
Thai dance, is a sheer work of art.
He initiated the production Koike’s ambitious feat of bringing
of an ambitious pan-Asian the Mahabharata into the modern
intercultural theatre project, age is a masterwork in the name
based on the sacred Indian epic, of creating a bridge between the
The Mahabharata, that traverses boundaries of culture, time, and
through various layers of the countries.
human mind and teaches lessons
about living in harmony.
To watch the trailer of
First started in Cambodia, this The Mahabharata Project,
multi-year project exquisitely scan the QR code
blends the disparate skills and