Page 67 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 67

freedom.    Some    of   these     Committee.
        include Rani Abbakka, Bakshi          The Prime Minister in his
        Jagabandhu, Tirot Sing, Sidhu      recent 'Mann Ki Baat' address
        and Kanhu Murmu, Shivappa          encouraged the youth to engage
        Nayaka, and Kanhoji Angre.         with this serial and learn about
            The repertoire of photographs,   India’s  glorious  history.  It  is
        films, oral histories, personal    indeed commendable for him
        memoirs,       autobiographies,    to talk about this series in his
        biographies,  and   multilingual   monthly address. This iconic
        regional literature remains mostly   serial, I believe, will turn into a
        unexplored and largely absent      national movement, filling every
        from the public consciousness.     Indian's heart with pride. Just
        An intensified authentic research   like 'Mann ki Baat', the series will
        and genuine content have gone      surely be a talking point among
        into the making of the serial. The   the people, especially the youth,
        information and documents have     and will inspire everyone to take
        been collected from all corners of   part in building the country of our
        the country to bring to life these   forefathers’ dreams.
        stories by the Swaraj Advisory

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