Page 63 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 63

can be seen with the digitalization   unleash a transformation in every
        of key sectors such as healthcare,   aspect of life – youth can leverage
        education, retail, etc. For example,   online vocational trainings to
        when Intel deployed a pilot project   get upskilled and enhance their
        for rural broadband connectivity   employability,  farmers    can
        using existing power lines, we saw   benefit from technologies to
        the immediate benefits of digital   enhance yields, and rural artisans
        inclusion and equitable access     and microentrepreneurs can tap
        to  online services.  This solution   into larger markets in India or
        called  ‘WoW’   (Wireless-over-    overseas  through e-commerce
        Wire) was piloted in the village   and financing.
        of Muana in Haryana. Before the       India’s rural economy is its
        WoW solution, Pradeep Kumar, a     foundation. According to a report
        healthcare worker                             by Bain & Co. and
        in the local Primary                          CII, it employs 68%
        Health     Centre,                            of our workforce and
        used to travel 10 km                          makes   up   nearly
        to the nearby town                            half of our GDP. We
        of Safidon every                              have   a   massive
        day   to   upload                             opportunity      to
        patient     health                            develop and deploy
        records. Now with                             digital technologies
        a 100 Mbps WoW                                for this ecosystem
        connectivity,                                 and    deliver  the
        patient     health                            true  potential  of
        records are updated in real time   digitalization for growth. Our
        enabling  multiple vaccination     opportunity and challenge are
        drives and video consultations     to roll out digital infrastructure
        with specialists.                  to reach each and every citizen,
            With    the   advent     of    enabling them to use it effectively
        telemedicine,   digital  health    and then see how innovation
        records  and   data   analytics,   will emerge from unimagined
        the healthcare sector can see      corners of this entrepreneurial
        tremendous benefits such as        society. While leapfrogging to
        earlier diagnoses, better patient   the digital world, we should aim
        outcomes and prediction of         to avoid creating a digital divide.
        outbreaks, enabling community      India’s goal of doubling its GDP
        health interventions; all enabled   and having a trillion-dollar digital
        by access, affordability and       economy will enable everyone
        innovation.                        to  grow  as  we  embark  on  this
            Similarly, access to rural     ambitious digitalization journey.
        broadband    connectivity  can

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