Page 66 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 66

‘Swaraj’ Will Prove To Be An

                      Inspiration For Youth

                                           its independence, this 75-episode
                                           serial is an attempt to bring to the
                                           fore the valourous stories of the
                                           unsung freedom fighters. With
                                           its first episode aired on August
                                           14, 2022,  Swaraj will be telecast
                                           over a period of 75 weeks and is
                                           being  broadcast  weekly  in  Hindi,
                                           English, and nine other regional
                                              This series is extremely special
                Shekhar Kapur
                                           for it highlights the stories of those
          Filmmaker and President, FTII    unsung heroes of the freedom
                                           struggle who until now have
                                           only been known or celebrated
                                           as icons in their local regions.
                                           With an intention to bring these
                                           stories in the national discourse,
                                           this noble effort has been started
                                           in the form of  Swaraj. This serial
            As the people across the       will surely be an informative
        length and breadth of the country   journey for the younger and
        are uniting in remembering and     future generations as they learn
        celebrating the stories of sacrifice   more and more about the history
        and bravery of our great freedom   and stories of such courageous
        fighters as part of 'Azadi Ka Amrit   heroes with every episode.
        Mahotsav', India's public service     Swaraj      focuses      on
        broadcaster Doordarshan has a      reproducing   an   audio-visual
        unique offering to us all.         history of India’s search for
            Doordarshan has launched       ‘swaraj’. The series begins with
        a mega epic docu-drama series      the journey of Vasco-da-Gama’s
        Swaraj: Bharat Ke Swatantrata      entry into India in 1498. As the
        Sangram Ki Samagra Gatha. The      series progresses, it will delineate
        series honours the glorious history   the stories and contributions
        of India’s freedom movement. As    of 550 freedom fighters who
        the nation celebrates 75 years of   fought valiantly for the country’s

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