Page 62 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 62
Digital India is Empowering
the Hinterland
million active internet users, over
half of which are in rural areas.
This has led to an explosion in
innovative consumer services
of multiple kinds (business-to-
consumer, business-to-business,
government-to-citizen) driving
real impact for consumers and
also enabling wireless data
consumption growth, which is
Nivruti Rai the highest in the world. The
average Indian’s internet data
Country Head, Intel India
usage increased from 1.24 GB per
month in 2018 to 17 GB in 2022,
attributed to e-commerce, online
entertainment, remote education,
social media, etc.
We are generating and
consuming data at volumes
that are increasing daily at an
The purpose of technology exponential rate and all this data
is to improve the lives and needs to be moved, stored and
livelihoods of people, and this is processed in order to deliver
a critical need in a developing better user experiences and
nation like India. In the 92 services as well as solutions
episode of 'Mann ki Baat', the that transform lives. This brings
Hon'ble Prime Minister's address into focus the critical need for
to the nation, while marking increased computing capacity,
the completion of 75 years of edge-to-cloud infrastructure,
India's Independence, he spoke network connectivity, and data
about digitalization and how it is storage, which in turn provide
improving lives across India. an opportunity for indigenous
With rapid proliferation innovations that can help in truly
of smartphones and telecom improving the quality of life for
connectivity, combined with all.
one of the world’s lowest data Technology is a powerful tool
tariffs, India now has around 700 to transform lives and its impact