Page 34 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 34
traditional medicine. In addition,
“Initially we used to get 10,000
collaboration with over 50
hits on the portal each day
countries by virtue of signing
but after the Prime Minister
country-to-country MoUs and
mentioned ‘Indian Virtual
setting up of Ayurveda/AYUSH
Herbarium’ in his recent hospitals, academic institutes,
'Mann ki Baat', the hits have fellowships, and herbal gardens
increased to 15,000 per day. are also being done to take
Also, today we have recorded India’s knowledge of traditional
nearly 2 lakh hits from various medicine to the world.
countries." All these continuous and
-Dr. A A Mao, countless efforts in just a short
Director, BSI span of time resulted in the
massive AYUSH global market.
The Ministry of AYUSH, The industry is projected to reach
through its International Cell, US$ 23.3 billion in FY 2022. The
has been rigorously involved market size of various AYUSH
in promotion of the traditional streams has crossed over US$
systems globally. The WHO Global 18.2 billion growing at 17 per cent
Centre for Traditional Medicine, in 2014-2020. The Ministry, along
dubbed as “a truly global project” with the Ministry of Commerce
by the Director-General of the and Industry, is setting up the
World Health Organization was AYUSH Export Promotion Council,
launched in Gujarat in April this to further facilitate and stimulate
year with the aim to focus on data, AYUSH exports.
innovation and sustainability of In April, the Ministry of AYUSH