Page 37 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 37
AYUSH- Aiming for Holistic Healthcare
The AYUSH system of testing campaign on Delhi Police
treatment is helping the masses personnels, wherein we provided
to boost their immunity against them with our, AYURAKSHA kit,
COVID and other infections. In for 3 months based on that their
recent times, Indian traditional immunity stir and other relevant
medical treatment has gained a factors were keenly observed. We
massive applaud and acceptance also did a research with the Public
worldwide. Health Organization, and were
To get more insights on the happy to tell that the mortality
Ministry of AYUSH initiatives in its and infection rate was highly
various streams, our Doordarshan
low in Delhi Police personnels as
team had an exclusive interaction
compared to other cities.”
with the Director of All India
Referring to rising AYUSH
Institute of Ayurveda, Dr. Tanuja
products exports and startups she
said, “A rise of 33% Start-ups has
Talking about the wide
been recorded in the export and
usage of Ayurvedic treatments
market size of AYUSH products
during the COVID-19, she said “It
like Ashwagandha, Gilloy,
will not be wrong if we call the
Chywanprash, etc., which was 5%
Ayurvedic medicines as COVID
in the pre-COVID times. She also
ke saath bhi, COVID ke baad bhi
informed that the The Ministry
for boosting one's immunity. We
of AYUSH is closely working with
also initiated a campaign called,
Atal Innovation Mission, on the
‘My Health, My Responsibility’, in
development of a research park.
which we included preventive
The 30 Start-ups have been
and promotive therapy. We
also included the post-COVID pitched in for investments.”
AYUSH treatments of the whole “With the efforts of the
body using Kadha etc. Their Ministry of AYUSH, 36 LoIs
body response was then tested have been signed during the
through multiple internationally Global AYUSH Investment and
proven tests for COVID in our lab. Innovation Summit. It will provide
The results clearly showed us that job opportunities to over 5 lakh
all these AYUSH treatments are people benefitting 75 lakh people
effective against the COVID.” directly. The growing Start-up
Adding to that she said, “We culture in this field is significant
also conducted an exclusive for the livelihood generation.”