Page 32 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 32
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The increasing interest of
people in Holistic Healthcare Àf½fmÊ Àf³°fb d³fSXf¸f¹ff:Ü
has helped everyone a lot in Àf½fmÊ ·fýifd¯f ´fV¹f³°fbÜ
this. We all know how useful
Indian traditional methods ¸ff IYdV¨f°fÐ ýb:J ·ff¦f ·f½fm°fÐÝ
are in this. In the fight against This Vedic shloka, which
Corona, AYUSH has played an seeks to invoke happiness,
important role, at the global
health and wealth for everyone,
resonates well with the ethos of
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi
the age-old system of Indian
(in his ‘Mann ki Baat’ address) medical science. With a vision to
revive the profound knowledge
of traditional Indian systems
of medicine, the Government
of India formed the Ministry of
AYUSH — Ayurveda, Yoga and
Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and
Homoeopathy in 2014. While the
Government has been working
relentlessly since then to ensure
the optimal development and
propagation of the AYUSH
“The export and market systems of healthcare, it was
size of AYUSH products like during the COVID-19 pandemic
Aswagandha, Chyawanprash, that its importance and value
Giloy, etc., have witnessed a were recognized world over.
33% rise which was just 5% To counter the adverse
before COVID-19. This was effects of COVID-19, the Ministry
possible due to multitude issued regular guidelines with
of efforts from Government a focus on self-care and home
under the guidance of Hon'ble management of the disease.
Prime Minister."
A nationwide distribution
campaign was started for AYUSH
-Dr. Tanuja Nesari,
64, a polyherbal formulation
Director, All India Institute of
developed by the Central
Council for Research in Ayurvedic