Page 36 - Mann Ki Baat English JULY 2022
P. 36
Indian Virtual Herbarium: The Biggest
Database of Country’s Flora
Developed by the scientists Talking about its significance
of the Botanical Survey of India in the changing biodiversity
(BSI), the Indian Virtual Herbarium and climatic conditions, Dr. Mao
is standing strong today with over said that the Herbarium has a
one lakh images of specimens. collection of 200-300 years old
Prime Minister Narendra Modi in specimens which can be used
his recent ‘Mann ki Baat’ address to meticulously analyze these
used Indian Virtual Herbarium changes and their effects. “It
as an illustration of how digital is one of the best resources
tools help us connect to our roots. for authentication of identified
Our Doordarshan team talked Ayurvedic/medicinal plants,” he
exclusively to the Director of BSI, added. He further mentioned
Dr. A A Mao to know more about the ease-of-accessibility
this novel initiative. provided by the web portal to the
“We always had such a rich students, researchers and others
resource bank of Indian flora. But interested.
unfortunately, most people were Talking about the mention of
unaware of it. Now that we have the Herbarium in ‘Mann ki Baat’,
gone up on a virtual medium, he said, “Initially we used to get
we can see attractions coming 10,000 hits on the portal each
over from across the world. We day. But now, it has increased to
are aiming that by the end of 15,000 hits per day.” Indian Virtual
this year the number of digitized Herbarium can be accessed on
species will increase to two lakh,”
Dr. Mao said.