Page 66 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 66
Today, the country is witnessing
We have been discussing
a unique sweep of cleanliness
the successful efforts related to
throughout its length and breadth.
‘waste to wealth’. Such efforts are There is a deep sense of jan-
not only inspiring, but also lend bhagidari in every citizen, including
momentum to India’s campaign the little champions of tomorrow
against single-use plastic. If and senior citizens who are
coming together and contributing
our environment is clean, our
for the cause of the environment.
mountains and rivers, our seas
remain clean; our health also The Prime Minister has always
discussed the issue of cleanliness
gets better.
and waste management in his
-Prime Minister Narendra Modi 'Mann ki Baat' address to the nation.
(in his 'Mann ki Baat' address) In the recent edition, he highlighted
many successful efforts related to
‘waste to wealth’ being undertaken
by various groups of Swachhata
Warriors. Waste is a natural by-
product of life and growth of
society. According to the reports
“It was a very pleasant for 2017-18, Central Pollution
Control Board has estimated that
experience that the supreme
India generates 9.4 million tonnes
leader of our country has of plastic in a year. This waste not
appreciated our work. Being only causes harm to the planet, but
mentioned on 'Mann ki Baat' also affects health, productivity
and progress of the society.
is a very proud moment for
Hence, efficient handling of waste
us and it is inspiring us to do becomes an important factor in
more such works in future also, the developmental progress of
India and the health of its people.
where besides environmental
upliftment, there is also Effective waste management
is one of the key priolities in the
cultural upliftment of our
development journey of new
society.” India. The Government has
launched various campaigns and
-Sunil S. Ladha
programmes in the recent past
Architect, ASAP Academic such as Swachh Bharat Mission
Foundation and Prime Minister’s Science,
Technology, and Innovation