Page 67 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 67
Advisory Council (PMSTIAC) to ups are bringing in the country
make a waste-free nation. PMSTIAC to make a greener tomorrow.
aims to identify, develop and Several start-ups and businesses
deploy technologies to treat waste have mushroomed in the recent
to generate, recycle materials, past which are using technology,
and extract resources of value and world class innovation and
identify and support development working on the ground-breaking
of modern technologies to create ideas to recycle the waste into
a clean and green environment. useful products. For instance, the
In addition to these, the plastic waste that once created
Government has notified Plastic menace is now being collected
Waste Management Amendment and recycled into fabrics that are
Rules, 2021, according to which further used to make fashionable
manufacture, import, stocking, clothes and sneakers. The plastic
distribution, sale and use of single- cutlery that once littered the
use plastic has been prohibited to earth is now getting replaced by
further control the plastic pollution, edible and biodegradable cutlery
with effect from 1 July 2022. which is environment-friendly and
These initiatives, along with the
advancement in technologies and “It is gratifying that the Prime
awareness among the community Minister has mentioned active
are turning waste into a valuable solid waste management by
resource through recycling and our company in the 'Mann
reusing. It is not only leading to
ki Baat' episode. We are
elimination in waste, but is also
generating new employment thankful to the Prime Minister
opportunities for Indians. for recognising this project.
While the Government is taking This is an honour for Karaikal
all the measures to reduce and Municipality."
recycle the plastic waste, the
dream of Prime Minister Narendra -Ramesh
Modi to make a cleaner India Karaikal Project Manager for
is becoming a reality with the
innovations that young start- Hand in Hand