Page 68 - Mann ki Baat June 2022 - English
P. 68
of Chartered Accountants from
Rajasthan cleaned and revived
the Sultan Ki Baoli of Udaipur and
started a program of harmony
and music at the site to enhance
As India celebrates the glorious 75
years of its independence and the
next 25 years, that is India’s Amrit
Kaal, the steps taken by each
and every citizen of the nation
in coming years will redefine the
future of the nation. Sabka Saath
and Sabka Prayaas can help
build a new cleaner, greener and
developed India in years to come.
“Water conservation is actually
life conservation. You must have
seen, nowadays, how many ‘river
festivals’ are being held! Whatever
water sources are there in your
cities, you must organize some
event or the other there.”
biodegradable. Sasewadi Village: A Model for
Plastic Waste Management
During his recent 'Mann ki Baat',
Prime Minister mentioned about When Sasewadi village of Pune
some of such Swachhta Warriors district struggled with the problem
who have made a mark by taking of Plastic Waste Management
unique initiatives at their level and (PWM), the local people took
bringing about a change in the it upon themselves to make
nation. their village clean and free from
The ‘Save Chite Lui Action Plan’
campaign started by the people “On behalf of the Save Chite
of Aizwal has not just revived the
Lui Coordination Committee,
Chite Lui river which had become
a heap of plastic waste, but also I extend a sincere thanks and
used the plastic to build the gratitude to Hon’ble Prime
first plastic road of the state. In Minister Narendra Modi for
Karaikal, Puducherry, people came mentioning and endorsing the
together to start the ‘Recycling ongoing attempt and struggle
for Life’ campaign to collect the
plastic waste from the beaches to save our Chite Lui in his
and recycle it. In Himachal 'Mann ki Baat' program.”
Pradesh, a group of people -Shri Rochamliana
cycled for about 175 kilometers to
General Secretary, Save Chite
promote environment protection
and tourism in the state. A group Lui Mission