Page 25 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 25
regulators, handling legal issues and a mentor is of paramount
and the countless other things importance – the vibe is the key.
where the entrepreneur may
We are very fortunate that in
need to lean upon a mentor for.
India we have a large number
But apart from all the tangible of mentors and mentorship
help that the mentor may provide, facilitating organisations that are
there is the emotional support that doing stellar work and trying to
the mentor can give which is often help young founders. While the
more valuable. Entrepreneurship entrepreneur gets all the glory,
is a lonely journey. Only should the company succeed
someone who has been an - and rightly so, the stellar role
entrepreneur can understand that is being played by good and
the fears, the uncertainties and committed mentors must also be
the apprehensions inside an appreciated.
entrepreneur's head. Therefore
The age-old Indian tradition of
an entrepreneur who has been
guru-shishya is alive and thriving
there can best empathise with
in the world of start-ups and
the young founder’s situation –
it will hold the Indian start-up
all the trials and tribulations that
movement in good stead in the
an entrepreneur goes through.
years and decades ahead.
And very often in low moments,
it is this psychological support
and hand-holding what keeps To know what mentors have
a founder going. Therefore, the to say about start-ups,
chemistry between a founder scan the QR code
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