Page 40 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 40
SHGs: Changing Lives of Rural Women
Chanda Bairagi: Moving towards self-reliance in New India
Today, women belonging to good prices and Chanda ji and
Self-Help Groups are taking her family were dependent on
advantage of various schemes very low-wages labour. The
that are being implemented education of her children was
by the Government—be it also getting affected due to the
opening bank accounts or financial constraints. Chanda ji
utilising digital services. The was also not very well-versed with
participation of SHG members the benefits that she could get
in important decisions of family from the bank and was forced to
and society is also increasing. take loans from the moneylender
These members are also doing at a higher rate of interest.
their best to improve their own
After joining Muskan Self-Help
health and education along
Group, Chanda ji’s social and
with their families'. One such
economic condition improved
story is of Smt. Chanda Bairagi,
considerably. She obtained
a resident of Guna district of
all the necessary information
Madhya Pradesh.
about banking facilities. Chanda
There was a time when Chanda's ji started working as CRP in
family was struggling with Aajeevika Mission, which also
limited source of earning. Due increased her income. Along
to lack of a vehicle at home and with this, she got trained in GDP
her family’s inability to transport and social audit. After getting
it to the market, the agricultural trained as Bank Sakhi through
produce could not be sold at Aajeevika Mission, she passed the