Page 36 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 36
space to SHGs at its airports for
selling/showcasing the self-made Self-Reliant Women
products of their region. Clearly,
of Thanjavur
the SHGs are reaching every
corner of the country with their
The Prime Minister, in his ‘Mann
ki Baat’ address, talked about
A woman’s stride in leading the Self-Help Groups from
the national transformation Thanjavur and expressed
has been a defining feature of his happiness at receiving a
the present Government. The special gift—a Thanjavur doll.
focus has shifted from women The SHGs of Thanjavur have
development to women-led- come together to start the
Tharagaigal Kaivinai Porutkal
development. Nari Shakti is now
Virpanai Angadi initiative. Our
the most critical prerequisite
team from Doordarshan talked
to pillar of economic growth,
to the women associated with
as the Prime Minister says,
this initiative.
“The progress of humanity
is incomplete without the Thanjavur Taragai Women’s
empowerment of women.” Handicrafts Store, selling
various products made by the
Thanjavur Women’s Self-Help
Prime Minister's Groups, is an outlet under the
Tharagaigal Kaivinai Porutkal
Clarion Call
Virpanai Angadi initiative. This
I urge the listeners of 'Mann handicrafts sales initiative
Ki Baat'… find out which is being carried out by the
Women SHGs are working in Women SHGs under the Central
your area. You should also Government’s Rurban Project in
collect information about Thanjavur to promote traditional
handicrafts. The special thing
their products and use these
is that 22 SHGs are associated
products... you will not only
with this initiative.
help in increasing the income
of the Self Help Groups, but will The Women’s Self Help Group
also give impetus to the 'Self- said they were pleased that the
reliant India Campaign'. Prime Minister had praised the
Tharagaigal Kaivinai Porutkal