Page 35 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
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technologies. NRLM also provides SHG women, to enable these
various kinds of funds to the women to earn at least Rs 1 lakh
SHGs to meet the members’ per annum.
and their community’s credit
SHGs have helped the rural
needs. Capacity building and
women to not only find livelihood
technological support is also
but also to become entrepreneurs
provided to the target households
and run their own businesses.
for taking up income generating
As the momentum for Vocal for
activities both in farm and non-
Local is building in the country, the
farm sectors.
demand for products produced by
Apart from DAY-NRLM, the SHGs is going up every year. Today,
Government is providing SHGs are reaping the benefits
additional financial support to of GeM (Government e-Market),
empower the SHG women. Under where they are able to sell their
the Mudra scheme, one woman products directly to Government
member of every SHG is given a organisations, Ministries and
loan of up to Rs 1 lakh to start or Departments. Airport Authority of
grow her business. The Ministry of India has also taken an initiative,
Rural Development has launched AVSAR (Airport as Venue for Skilled
an initiative on creating Lakhpati Artisans of The Region) to allocate
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