Page 43 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 43
the 140 birth anniversary
(31 October, 2015) of the
Iron Man of India. The
objective of the programme
is to promote the spirit of
national integration and to
strengthen the emotional
bond among the citizens
of India. Since the launch
of the programme, the
Government of India along
with state governments
has undertaken various
initiatives to promote cultural
and literary exchange
amongst different regions
of the nation, like partnering of The taste of water changes every
States, competitions and quizzes
2 miles, the dialect changes every
at the national level, etc. 4 miles, but what doesn’t change
Language is a vehicle of is an Indian. This famous saying
transmission of culture from truly captures ‘Unity in Diversity’
one generation to another and of India. In fact, the census of 2011
from one region to another. states that there are more than
India, being a culturally diverse 19,000 languages and dialects
nation, is not only blessed with spoken in India. The census also
multiple languages but also is recognized 1,369 rationalized
the birthplace of few of the most mother tongues.
ancient languages.
With such a diverse linguistic
Kos kos par badle paani, landscape, preserving and
Chaar kos par baani, promoting the languages
Par ek hai jo nahi badalta of India has been one of the
Voh hai Hindustani most important focuses for