Page 65 - Mann Ki Baat - English May 2022
P. 65
main function of this international to digital applications that help
day is being held on 21 June in in Yoga postures, many such
Mysuru city of Karnataka. The steps are being adopted. There
main event will be held at a is a widespread acceptance of
designated venue and people the fact that employees are the
can also join it from their homes, largest capital of any organization
as the event will be covered live and all these steps not only
by various social media and reduce stress in employees but
digital channels. also infuse new vigour in them
and increase their morale.
The corporate world also
participates in the International At a time when the world is
Day of Yoga with full enthusiasm. going through a variety of socio-
In fact, keeping in mind the political stress and disruptions, it is
importance of the well-being of hoped that the International Day
the employees, the industry is of Yoga will bring the message
adopting Yoga in a big way. From and happiness of uniting the
Yoga sessions at the workplace humanity.
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