Page 5 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 5

My dear countrymen, Namaskar!

            In this month of August, all   also seen the spirit of the country
        your letters, messages and cards   in the cleanliness campaign and
        have soaked my office in the hues   the vaccination campaign. We
        of the tricolor. I have hardly come   are getting to witness the same
        across any letter which does not   spirit of patriotism again in the
        carry the tricolor, or does not talk   Amrit Mahotsav. Our soldiers
        about the tricolor and Freedom.    hoisted the tricolor on the peaks
        Children  and   young   friends    of high mountains, on the borders
        have sent beautiful pictures and   of the country, and in the middle
        artwork on the Amrit Mahotsav.     of the sea. People also came up
        In this month of independence,     with different innovative ideas for
        in our entire country, in every    the tricolor campaign, such as
        city, every village, the nectar of   young friend, Krishnil Anil ji. Anil ji
        Amrit Mahotsav is flowing. On      is a puzzle artist and has created
        this special occasion of Amrit     beautiful tricolor mosaic art in
        Mahotsav and Independence          record time. In Kolar, Karnataka,
        Day, we have seen the collective   people presented a unique sight
        might of the country. There has    by holding the tricolor that was
        been a sense of realisation.       630 feet long and 205 feet wide.
        Such a big country, so many           In    Assam,    Government
        diversities, but when it came to   employees created a 20 feet
        hoisting the tricolor, everyone    tricolor with their own hands to
        seemed to flow in the same         hoist  at  the Dighalipukhuri  War
        spirit. People themselves came     Memorial. Similarly, people in
        forward, becoming the vanguard     Indore made the map of India
        of the pride of the tricolor. We had   through  a  human  chain.  In

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