Page 8 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 8

Think about it…the importance   to the forest area. There was
        of water and water conservation    a place near the village where
        has been explained in our culture   water would accumulate during
        thousands of years ago. When       the monsoon. On the initiative
        we see this knowledge in today’s   of the villagers, this place is now
        context, we are thrilled, but when   being developed under the Amrit
        the nation accepts this knowledge   Sarovar campaign. This time, due
        as its strength, then their power   to the rains during the monsoon,
        increases  manifold.  You   will   this lake has been filled to the
        remember, in ‘Mann ki Baat’, I     brim with water.
        had talked about Amrit Sarovar        I also want to tell you about the
        four months ago. After that, the   Amrit Sarovar built in Mocha Gram
        local administration got active    Panchayat in Mandla, Madhya
        in different districts, voluntary   Pradesh. This Amrit Sarovar is
        organizations came together and    built near the Kanha National
        local people connected… and lo     Park and has further enhanced
        and  behold,  the  construction  of   the beauty of this area. The newly
        Amrit Sarovars has become a        constructed  Shaheed   Bhagat
        mass movement. When there is       Singh Amrit Sarovar in Lalitpur,
        a deep feeling to do something     Uttar Pradesh is also drawing a
        for  the country,  realize  one’s   lot of people. This lake, built in the
        duties, concern for the coming     Niwari Gram Panchayat, is spread
        generations, then the capabilities   over 4 acres. The tree plantation
        also get added up, and the         on the shoreline of the lake is
        resolve becomes noble.             enhancing its beauty. People are
            I have come to know of a       also coming from far and wide
        brilliant effort from Warangal     to see the 35-feet high tricolor
        in Telangana. A new Gram           near the lake. This campaign of
        Panchayat has been formed          Amrit Sarovars is going on in full
        here,  named    ‘Mangtya-Valya     swing in Karnataka as well. Here,
        Thanda’. This village is close     in the village ‘Bilkerur’ of Bagalkot

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