Page 10 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 10

in the attendance of children in
                                           Anganwadi  centers, malnutrition
                                           has also shown a dip. A unique
                                           campaign is also going on in
                                           Jharkhand to increase awareness
                                           about malnutrition. A snake-
                                           ladder game has been prepared
                                           in Giridih, Jharkhand. Through
                                           play, children learn about good
                                           and bad habits.
                                              Friends, I am telling you about
        song and music and bhajans
                                           so many innovative experiments
        can also be used to remove
                                           related to malnutrition, because
        malnutrition? It was successfully
                                           all of us also have to join this
        used in “Mera Bachha Campaign”;
                                           campaign in the coming month.
        or  “Mera  Bachha  Abhiyan”  in
                                           The month of September is
        Datia district of Madhya Pradesh.
                                           dedicated to festivals as well
        Under this, bhajan-kirtans were
                                           as a big campaign related
        organized in the district, in which
                                           to nutrition. We celebrate the
        teachers  as   nutrition  'gurus'
                                           Poshan Maah every year from the
        were  called.  A  Matka  program
                                           1  to the 30  of September. Many
        was also held, in which women
                                           creative and diverse efforts are
        bring a handful of grains to the
                                           being made all over the country
        Anganwadi center and with this
                                           against malnutrition. Better use
        grain, a ‘Balbhoj’ is organized on
                                           of  technology  and  also  public
        Saturdays. Besides this increase

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