Page 7 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 7

Information  and Broadcasting,     country, for the freedom fighters,
        Government of India. There, they   the writings and events that we
        had organised the screening of     have been organising, we have to
        ‘Swaraj’, the Doordarshan serial.   carry them forward.
        I got an opportunity to attend        My dear countrymen,
        its premiere. This is a great      the knowledge of our forefathers,
        initiative to acquaint the younger   the  farsightedness  of  our
        generation of the country with     ancestors and the Ek-Atma-
        the efforts of unsung heroes       Chintan integral self realisation is
        and heroines who took part in      so significant even today; when
        the freedom movement. It is        we go deep into it, we are filled
        telecast every Sunday at 9 pm      with wonder. Our thousands of
        on Doordarshan. And I was told     years old Rigveda! In Rigveda it is
        this is going to continue for 75   said:-
        weeks.  I urge you to take time     Aû¸ff³f-¸ff´fû ¸ff³fb¿fe: A¸fÈ¢°f¸fÐ ²ff°fÐ
        out to watch it yourself and do          °fûIYf¹f °f³f¹ff¹f VfÔ ¹fû:Ü
        show it to the children of the       ¹fc¹fÔ dWâf d·f¿fªfû ¸ff°fÈ°f¸ff d½fV½fÀ¹f
        house. And people from schools           À±ff°fb: ªf¦f°fû ªfd³fÂfe:ÜÜ
        and colleges can also record it       Meaning  –  O  water,  you
        and compose a special program      are the best friend of humanity.
        when the schools and college       You are the giver of life, food is
        open on Monday, so that a new      produced from you, and from you
        awakening will arise in our        is the well-being of our children.
        country about these great heroes   You are the protector of us and
        of the birth of freedom. Azadi Ka   keep  us  away  from  all  evils.  You
        Amrit  Mahotsav  will  continue  till   are the best medicine, and you
        next year i.e. August, 2023. For the   are the sustainer of this universe.

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