Page 9 - Mann Ki Baat - English, August 2022
P. 9

preparations for fish farming in
        district, people have built a very
        beautiful  Amrit  Sarovar.  In  fact,   Amrit Sarovars.  I urge all of you,
                                           especially  my  young  friends, to
        in this area, people had a lot of
        problems because of the water      actively participate in the Amrit
                                           Sarovar  campaign  and  lend  full
        flowing down from the mountain;
        farmers  and  their  crops  also   strength to these efforts of water
                                           conservation and water storage
        suffered losses. To make the Amrit
        Sarovar, the people of the village   and take them forward.
                                              My dear countrymen,
        channelized all the water and
        brought it aside. This also solved   an interesting project is being
                                           run in Bongai village of Assam –
        the problem of floods in the area.
        The Amrit Sarovar Abhiyan not      Project Sampoorna. The purpose
                                           of this project is to fight against
        only solves many of our problems
        today; it is equally necessary for   malnutrition and the method
                                           too is very unique. Under this, the
        our coming generations. Under
        this campaign, at many places,     mother of a healthy child from
                                           an  Anganwadi  center  meets  the
        old water bodies are also being
        rejuvenated. Amrit Sarovars are    mother  of  a malnourished  child
                                           every week and discusses all the
        being used for quenching the
        thirst of animals as well as for   nutrition related information. That
                                           is, one mother becomes a friend
        farming. Due to these ponds,
        the ground water table of the      of another mother, helps her, and
                                           teaches her. With the help of this
        surrounding areas has risen.
        At the same time, greenery is      project, in this region, in one year,
                                           malnutrition has been eradicated
        also increasing around them.
        Not only this, people at many      in more than 90 per cent children.
                                              Can you imagine, whether
        places are also engaged in

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